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Monday, February 28, 2011

The End of America – It's Not Just A Myth

The End of America as we know it to be is imminent. That is a bold statement and I do not make it lightly, but it is the truth. My reasons are varied and many and there is ample evidence that have led me to make that statement. I’ll try to keep this blog post short, but include as much fact as I can to back that statement.

Fiat Currency and Global Debt
Paper money, known as Fiat Currency (not backed by tangible wealth such as Gold) is fast becoming the world’s downfall. It's not just the US printing money, the EU, Britain and even Japan are printing money at a record setting pace. And they are going deeper in debt at a record pace.

Japan may be the first to fall, yes Japan. Thought they were OK didn't you? With spending and printing out of control Japan currently owes 183% of it's GDP! 

Greece is right behind them with about 160% of their GDP and the list goes on. Ireland, Spain, Portugal, the UK and the US all owe more this year then their GDP! Technically they are all bankrupt.

Food Shortages

We don't see it much here in the US yet, but food is rising at a record rate here and around the world. And supplies are running out due to natural disasters. India has had crop failures in onions and carrots, two huge staples in that country.

South East Asia has seen failures in Buckwheat another staple for that region. Chilies in Malaysia, wheat in Australia, corn in Argentina (most of Mexico gets it's corn from Argentina). Here in the US rice production is down by 25% as farmers convert their fields to higher paying corn and soybeans (up to $60 per acre more). That is having a huge impact on countries like the Philippines and Bangladesh as we are a huge exporter of rice.

Many commodities experts say that we are only one crop failure away for global food riots, as we have seen recently in the middle east. Many of those riots are as much about the cost of food and wages and unemployment as they are about politics.

What the Government Has Up It's Sleeve

Ben Bernake says he has the magic pill to restore the dollar and it's been used a few times before in history. Notably the Romans and our own President used it in 1935 and it's simply devaluing the dollar and inflating precious metal prices, then backing the currency with that inflated metal.

Sure it'll stabilize the dollar and make it worth a dollar again, but the ensuing chaos it will create in the short term will devastate many Americans or I should say those that are not prepared for the chaos. 

What Do We Do Then?
Many experts in the investment field are telling their clients to prepare NOW for this huge change in our lives. Historically those that have had the following in place before the crisis were able to come out of it on the top of the pile, so to speak. And if you do the research I have you'll find that all the richest people in the world, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and folks of that standing are ticking off items on this list.
  1. Farm land and property - Those that have historically owned farm land and property in general have always come out of these situations ahead of everyone. The world will always need food and those that control enough land to produce food will come away from the chaos with a commodity they can sell, barter or otherwise use for wealth creation.
  2. Gold and Silver - When any currency collapses, those that have tangible precious metals can continue to acquire the necessities need for their families to survive. I advocate for Silver as it's value is closely related to real items and can easily be used as a currency. Gold, while more valuable, is hard to use in the marketplace, because it is so valuable. The most important thing to remember is that it's NOT the value of the silver, but how many ounces you own. Right now almost anyone can begin to own silver. At this writing silver was selling for about $33.00 an ounce and anyone can afford to begin to own some tangible silver.
  3. Food - When this crisis hits, the store shelves will quickly become bare and most disaster experts say that we need to have at least 6 months of food to hold us until things stabilize.
    This is an easy one to prepare for as there are many places on the Internet where one canbuy freeze dried meals that have a shelf live of 25 to 30 years. For less then $1,000.00 I have acquired enough food to sustain my family for more then a year.
  4. Guns- It's inevitable that those that have not prepared will want to take what you have. You need to be prepared to protect what you own and be able to save your family in the event that someone tries to take what you have. And yes, that includes the Government.
    They took many things at gunpoint during the depression of the 30's, but you hear little about it. A farmer and grandfather of a friend of mine had the Army come to his farm and take more then half of his cattle, at gun point.
  5. Fuel - When the gas stations run out it will be some time before they are re-supplied. One needs to store a sufficient quantity of fuel and fuel stabilizer to ensure that emergency trips can be taken without the fear of the car's tank running dry.
Will you be ready when the time comes? Let me just say that I am not alone in my thoughts about this. Many leading investment folks have the exact same or similar scenarios in mind and have been advising their clients for several months now about this. We can't just keep spending and printing money it's now past the point of no return.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Short Sales and Loan Modifications

Watching this video, I could not help wondering why we haven't heard about this before. If you ever had an doubts as to why this country is broke and where all the money goes this should satisfy your curiosity.

Making money on foreclosures...who would have known?

The Manipulation of Gold and Silver Continues

Many times the conversation turns to question of manipulation of the Gold and Silver markets. I firmly believe that all PM's have been and continue to be manipulated. The lies and misinformation is beginning to unravel and the simple mathematics of the supply side, as we are told by the government, just do not add up. This could not be more clearly illustrated then in this video. Here is Eric Sprott speaking at the Casey Research Gold and Resource Summit.

Now do you think I'm paronoid? We have been and continue to be lied to about the amount of PM resources available on the market. It's all about protecting the fiat currency and keeping PM's out of our hands.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Does Warren Buffett know something we don't?

How many folks do you know, who would absolutely love to start their own business, and get onto the road to becoming independent.  I believe the number is far larger than you may expect.  In most cases however, the perceived risk is so daunting, they never make the leap.

I think most perceive business as a storefront, whether located on Main Street in town, or on the main page of your computer at home.  A business is any enterprise in which you invest your time and/or money, to generate a profit.  If Warren Buffett’s opinion is worth anything, buying and holding Silver and/or Gold is a business.  Although you may not buy and hold 130 million ounces as he has, you can begin small and grow your business at your pace.  The first investment could be as little as the price of a dinner out.  Silver may be the perfect solution for the average man on the street.

There are a few more important reasons why Mr. Buffett thinks Silver is a sound investment; the product is not exposed to possible dilution of value, as is fiat currency during recessions or depressions.  Silver has never had its authenticity and exchange value questioned.  It has been an acceptable currency world wide, for at least 2500 years.  It is reasonable to expect that any move to create a new universal currency, will involve its being backed by solid assets such as Gold and Silver.  Precious metals serve as an indisputable collateral asset as you build additional associate businesses, without profit and loss reports or a balance sheet.

With all the turmoil in the financial world, not to mention the socioeconomic backlash in the Middle East and Africa, tangible assets become much more important.  Now may just be the right time to consider adding Silver to your legacy.  Mr. Buffett has already done so.   

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Silver For Survival

In 1912 the great J.P. Morgan spoke to congress and said "Gold is money, everything else is credit". Nearly 100 years later that rings so true, except now I'd like to include Silver. In fact, while gold is a great way to back a currency, Silver can actually become a better currency, base on today's dollar value of it.

Having a proportionally lower value, in today's market place one could easily replace fiat paper with silver. How would you buy groceries or gasoline with gold? Hack of a piece of your coin or bullion bar? Certainly not and that is why Silver as a currency makes more sense.

Silver will most likely become a currency in the event the dollar collapses, even if for a short amount of time. To that end we here at Silver Advisor  have begun to accumulate silver for our personal well being and survival. I prefer to purchase smaller sizes such as one ounce and 5 ounce sizes for use as a currency, larger quantities are just too hard to use as money.

In reflection of that mindset we are having 1/10 ounce silver coins minted and they should be available within the next few weeks for purchase so stay tuned to this blog for more information.


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